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Mini HOWTO: Ipcop + QoS_NG + Samba Server by azegc
Mini-HOWTO: Ipcop + QoS_NG + Samba Server
Ipcop kernel with L7-filter and Ipp2p compiled modules for Ipcop v1.4.15
QoS_NG addon for Ipcop v.1.5.1
Samba Server addon for Ipcop v.0.1.9beta
WinSCP (for WinXX)
Putty (for WinXX)
Other requisites:
- User level knowledge about Linux.
- Little practice with IPCOP
- Two hours of your time for fun.
5. Installing IPCOP and Addons.
At this point I guess you have all requirements, so I continue.
1) Turn you old computer and go to your BIOS setting and set it to boot cd-rom in the priority list. From now this Old computer is called “Ipcop box”
2) Insert Ipcop v1.4.15 CDROM and restart.
3) In the First screen you press ENTER. In the next window you select your prefered language. If know about language codes in the first screen you can enter something like: “vmlinuz lang=<language_code>”. By example “vmlinuz lang=es” if you live in spanish or latin america. This selection is for IPcop language installation.
4) Now you see a welcome window.
5) Press OK. In the next window you must select CDROM/USB-KEY
6) Now Ipcop installer is going to format “Ipcop Box” hardisk and install all files. Press OK.
7) Select “Skip” when it prompt you for backup
8) Now its gonna setup your GREEN NIC, select “Probe” and it will autodetect you first NIC
9) Now its gonna ask for the ip address for GREEN interface. We enter IP: and Mask: according with Figure 1.
10) Now you finish installing it, so take out your CD and enter “OK”. Now select your keyboard language and timezone
11) Enter your Ipcop box name. I use the default name “ipcop”. In the next window you must enter domain_name/workgroup of your network. I used “starcraft” workgroup in PC1 to PC13.
12) Select “Disable ISDN”, we won’t need this.
13) Now you are in Ipcop network configuration Menu.
14) Now go to “Network configuration type” and select “GREEN + RED”
15) Then go to “Drivers and card assignments” and select “OK” and it will automatic scan for your other NIC (RED interface).
16) Now go to “Address Setting” in Netwok configuration Menu and select “RED” interface. Then select “Static” and type IP: and Mask: according with “Figure 1”. Select “OK”, then “Done”.
17) Now go to “DNS and Gateway settings” and type DNS servers provided by your ISP. In Default Gateway type (router IP) according with “Figure 1”. Select “OK”
18) Select “Enabled” and enter your prefered starting address and ending address. I use far IP addresses because I don’t like use DHCP. In this scenario we must know each IP address in network, so we have to set up network configuration manually on each PC according with “Figure 1”.
19) Now in Network configuration menu, select “Done”. The next window will be DHCP configuration again (I don’t know why), select “OK”.
20) Now enter your root, admin and backup password. Remember your passwords. The password needs at least 6 characters. Then select “OK” to reboot.
21) Finally you done installing Ipcop on “Ipcop Box”
22) Now you don’t need keyboard, mouse, monitor anymore on “Ipcop box”. Turn on PC1 and set up network configuration according “Figure 1”.
23) Set up PC2 to PC10 network configuration like (22). For VoIP devices use...
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